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Myofascial Release

Connective tissue and muscle structures will maintain tension as the body’s way to stabilize or compensate for another injured or sub-optimally functioning joint or muscle. To be effective over the longer-term, treatments need to address these compensations as well as the original injuries for which the body has to stabilize and compensate.


As a treatment technique, Myofascial Release is based on recognizing anatomical interdependencies. Myofascial Release techniques involve not only treatment of the stiff or painful area; they include stretching and compression of surrounding skeletal and muscular areas. Myofascial Release involves stretches and compressions, applied with gentle pressure, that are held until the restriction releases. While the pressure used during treatment may be gentle, sometimes when tissue is sensitive it is felt as an intense stretch, but it is never done beyond a client’s tolerance.


At Newell Physiotherapy, therapists use Myofascial Release as a part of our repertoire of hands-on techniques which complement evidence-based and patient-centered approach to physiotherapy. Our therapists do not consider Myofascial Release—or any other particular technique—as a “cure all”. We do believe that is a safe and gentle technique which, when applied under clinically appropriate circumstances, can be very effective toward improving mobility and alleviating pain. As with any physiotherapy treatment, exercises and home stretching are essential complements to Myofascial Release techniques.

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